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S&R Emmental Italian Cheese approx. 1.5kg
- Single Item
- Processed Emmental Cheese in 1 packaging
- Rich in protein per ounce
- Good source of calcium: 270mg per ounce
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 1.5 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 1 x 4.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Remember the cute big holes on cheeses in cartoons? That sure is a cute representation of cheese in animation, isn’t it? But that is reality, actually – that’s Emmental cheese! It has that distinct feature, characterized by the large bubbles or “eyes” that resemble the Swiss cheese. It’s rich in calcium, copper, and phosphorus.
So, if those bubbly-eyed cheese blocks you see on cartoons seem to appeal to you, then start going back to reality and go get S&R Emmental Italian Cheese – taste the mild to buttery goodness of this cheese!
Always Fresh, Delivers Daily. We guarantee the FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction of this product. We'll make sure to deliver it right at your doorstep with any applicable use by, sell by, best by, or expiration dates.
Highly recommended in following the indicated shelf life and to use the product on the same day the packaging has been opened.