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Farcent Scented Gel Fresh Lemon 2pcs
- Multi-pack (2 counts)
- Gel-based air fragrance freshener in 1 packaging
- Comes in Value Pack!
- Fresh Lemon Scent
- Product of Taiwan
Actual Weight: 0.47 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 4 x 4
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Room’s all cavernous but it feels like you’re being choked to a corner with all the molds and unsettling odor in the air. Breathe easy, Farcent Scented Gel Fresh Lemon will clear the air with a nose-friendly freshness to boot! This disposable dehumidifier can mask the whole room with a cozy and home-y feel for everyone. It has the power to deodorize and freshen up the whole room with its zesty, citrusy fragrance, making the air relaxing and refreshing to breathe in.
So, take it all in and be at home with Farcent Scented Gel Fresh Lemon best left on the house for the whole family!
Keep out of reach of children and pets. In case of eye contact or prolonged exposure to skin. Immediately rinse with plenty of water or seek medical assistance. Ensure proper vertical placement during usage. Avoid direct exposure to sun.