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Canada Dry Ginger Ale 12 cans
- Multi-pack (12 pieces)
- 100% natural flavor and caffeine free
- Crisp, clean light and refreshing taste
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 4.65 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.72 x 2.75 x 9.05
Product Details +
Specifications +
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We know you have a thing for Ginger Ale, and it’s your automatic go-to can of alcohol at the bar regardless of the occasion. It’s settled then. We’re sure you’re going to love Canada Dry® Ginger Ale! It’s a genuine Canadian sparkling favorite with a crisp, clean light and refreshing taste that is perfect to relax and unwind with.
Do we need to say more? A buzz is a buzz and Canada Dry® Ginger Ale is the ideal drink that you can pair with meals or snacks. So, come and invite over some family and friends – it’s all good!
Properly stored, an unopened can of Canada Dry® will generally stay at best quality for about 6 to 9 months after the date on the package when stored at room temperature, although they will usually remain safe to drink after that.