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Sofy Comfort Nite Motion Fit Sanitary Napkin 42cm 8pcs
- Multi-pack (8 pads)
- Sanitary Napkins in 1 packaging
- Fits and follows natural body movement
- Motion Fit, Anti Back Leakage
- Instant and Speedy Absorption
Actual Weight: 0.13 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.92 x 2.75 x 7.6
Product Details +
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Switch to comfortable period days with Sofy® Comfort Nite Motion Fit Sanitary Napkin. It features a long 42cm pad coupled with Motion Fit, Anti Back Leakage technology, which makes for a complete period protection. It also perfectly fits your body throughout the night while giving you full back coverage, making your nights worry-free. It also absorbs and blocks leaks at all possible angles.
No more waking up to icky, stuffy stains in your during period days! Just worry-free movement and blissful sleep no matter how heavy the flow – Sofy® Comfort Nite Motion Fit Sanitary Napkin gotchu, girl!
Directions: Stick the pad in your underwear using the sticky strip on the back. Change your pad every few hours, or when it's soaked with blood. Wrap used pads in the wrapper or toilet paper and throw them in the trash.
Wrap the pad with its outer wrapping film and throw it in a dustbin. To prevent clogging or drains, do not flush pads.
Do not flush contents.