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Member's Value Laminated Paper Plates 9-inch 150pcs
- Multi-pack (150 counts)
- Laminated Paper Plates in 1 plastic packaging
- 9-inch in diameter
- Best for parties and other social events
- S&R exclusive product
Actual Weight: 1.51 KGs
Product Dimensions: 9.05 x 9.05 x 4
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So much food, so many party guests, so few plates to pass around. Get guests bountifully full with Member's Value Laminated Plates! And they’re no ordinary paper plates, they’re laminated, so you are secured that they will not get easily soaked from grease, moisture, and other liquid-type of serving. With these 150-pack 9-inch Laminated Plates, there’ll be enough to feed 5000 souls – that’s an exaggeration, but yeah, plenty to pass around.
These all-important party hero Member's Value Laminated Plates will make sure you, your family, and tag-along friends will be served with its generous amount of paper plate pieces, fit for an-all out feast!
Directions: Need we say more? Tear open this plastic wrap of disposable plates and pass it around. C’mon, all of us are dying to sink are teeth on them shanghai rolls at the table!
To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this plastic bag away from babies and children. This bag of plates is not a toy.