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Budweiser Lager Beers 6 cans
- Multi-pack (6 counts)
- Lager Beer, 330mL each can in box
- 5% alc. / vol.
- Brewed by the original process from the choicest hops, rice, and best barley malt
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 2.1 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 4.5
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Hail to the king! Hail to the one and only. Kneel to the crown as here comes Budweiser King of Beers, issuing down its royal decree to the people of the world; drink, be merry, and keep the festivity alive wherever you are. What’s this “King of Beers” we’re talking about here – it’s simple; you haven’t been truly been drinking BEER if you haven’t even bottoms-upped a bottle of Budweiser Lager Beer.
It was first introduced by Adolphus Busch in 1876 and is brewed from the same high quality and standards today; pure American-style, medium-bodied, and craft-brewed with a blend of premium hop varieties.
If you and your friends are keen about the core values of celebration and optimism, assurance of purity, quality and consistency, Budweiser King of Beers served ice-cold is the one to rule your night!
Most beers last beyond the printed expiration date on the package. When stored at room temperature, you can expect Budweiser Beers to last for six to nine months beyond the use-by date. Refrigeration increases it even more for up to two years.