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Salt Me! Barbecue Flavored Potato Chips 50% Less Sodium 142g
- Weight: 142g
- Sodium Reduction: 50% less
- Packaging: Resealable bag
- Allergen Information: Contains potatoes and seasonings
- Store in a cool, dry place.
Actual Weight: 0.16 KGs
Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 8 x 12
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Enjoy barbecue-flavored chips with half the sodium, offering a healthier snack option without compromising on taste. Perfect for guilt-free munching.
Flavored with microsalt | 85mg sodium
Gluten free
These barbecue-flavored potato chips from Salt Me! use innovative microSalt® technology to cut sodium by 50%, while delivering full flavor and satisfying crunch. A great choice for those monitoring their sodium intake or looking for healthier snack options.