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Arla Shredded Pizza Topping 2kg
- Single Item
- Pizza topping cheese in 1 pack
- Amazing strechability for your pizza
- Rich in minerals that are good for your bone health
- Good source of protein that could help in building muscle
Actual Weight: 2.02 KGs
Product Dimensions: 9 x 1.5 x 16
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Craving for some pizza, but not in the mood to go out? Well we’ve got some great news for you. Made from organic ingredients, Arla’s Shredded Pizza Toppings packs a fresh and creamy taste with a subtle hint of tanginess that will leave you wanting for more.
Make your home-made pizzas more delectable for the family by adding Arla’s Shredded Pizza Toppings to your cart now!
Freshness and quality satisfaction are a priority here at S&R Membership Shopping. Our mission is to deliver fresh products to your home within any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Unopened cheese packs can stay fresh from up to 7 to 9 months. Store your opened pack of cheese in the fridge to ensure its freshness.