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Libman Kitchen Brush 1pc
- Single Item
- Plastic Kitchen Brush in 1 packaging
- Tough on stains, and other dirt build ups
- Easy to use, easy to clean
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.1 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7 x 1 x 1
Product Details +
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Cleaning the house is such a therapeutic cleaning activity especially when you enjoy scrubbing all the narrowest, and tightest corners just to reach that messy part. It’s oddly satisfying when you hear that squeaky sound when you run your fingers against your newly cleaned surfaces, because for you, that squeaky sound indicates that you have done your job well of cleaning every corners and crevices, leaving no dirt behind!
However, this is a different case when you are cleaning narrow surfaces and tight corners where your little hands won’t easily reach it. We can feel how frustrating this is for you, but worry no more for Libman introduces us to a new cleaning hero! Libman Kitchen Brush is your new cleaning companion that will help you reach those unreachable corners and crevices. No more frustrating results and hear that music-to-your-ears, squeaky sound! Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Store in a dry, cool place.
Sanitize properly before and after using. Dispose properly.
Keep away from source of fire.