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Brookside Dark Chocolate Acai and Blueberry Flavors 595g
- Single Item
- Fruit-flavored Dark chocolate in 1 resealable bag
- Smooth Dark Chocolate with a fruit-flavored center
- Acai & Blueberry Flavor
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.61 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6 x 2.5 x 9
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Are you craving for some chocolates? Here, have a bag of Brookside Dark Chocolate Acai & Blueberry Flavors! It contains your-not-so-everyday fruit flavors of Acai & Blueberry flavors all wrapped in a ball of smooth dark chocolate. Every bite is an adventure. You either have to bite right through or slowly dissolve that bitter-sweet dark chocolate in your mouth to get to the fruity center!
Every bite of Brookside Dark Chocolate Acai & Blueberry guarantees a zingy, dark and sweet chocolate that is ballsy! This is a unique taste experience from start to finish!
Allergen Information: manufactured on the same equipment that processes almonds.
Consume once opening. Close pack once done consumption to keep product’s freshness.