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Geek Aire 10 inch Rechargeable Fan
- Portable and Compact
- Rechargeable Battery
- Adjustable Airflow Settings
- Durable Construction
- Modern Design
Actual Weight: 3.4 KGs
Product Dimensions: 16.5 x 8 x 14.5
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Stay cool and comfortable wherever you go with the Geek Aire 10-inch Rechargeable Fan. This portable and versatile fan is designed for on-the-go convenience, featuring a rechargeable battery for wire-free operation. With its compact size and adjustable airflow settings, it's perfect for camping trips, outdoor activities, or any situation where a portable breeze is needed.
The durable construction and modern design make the Geek Aire Rechargeable Fan a must-have for those who prioritize both functionality and style in their cooling solutions. Beat the heat effortlessly with this reliable and compact cooling companion.