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Trapiche Broquel Malbec 750mL
- Single Item
- Full-bodied Malbec Wine in 1 glass bottle
- 14% alc. / vol. (best with lamb, beef, poultry)
- Flavors of blackberry, plum, cinnamon, vanilla, dark chocolate finish
- Product of Argentina (Mendoza)
Actual Weight: 1.46 KGs
Product Dimensions: 2.36 x 2.36 x 13
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Come and drink a glass of red that comes from the best terroirs and vineyards from Broquel, which symbolizes the family’s long enduring heritage of the most outstanding wines. The grapes were hand harvested from high-altitude vineyards of over 15 years of age. The long, elaborate maceration and ageing process create a wine that shows a beautiful balance of ripe tannins and a long finish.
Make your dinner date special with Trapiche Broquel Malbec, which holds up pretty well over with dark meat poultry, roasted pork, and leaner cuts of red meat.
After opening, this Malbec bottle can be kept for 3-5 days as long as they are stored in a cool, dark place with a cork or cap on.