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C-Lium Fibre Capsules 400pcs
- Single Item
- Fibre Supplement capsules in 1 plastic container
- Made of 100% natural psyllium that has 14 times more natural fiber than oatmeal
- Helps lowers bad cholesterol levels
- Aids in controlling blood sugar levels
Actual Weight: 0.3 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 6
Product Details +
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Having a hard time with your no. 2 sessions? That’s your precious me-time and it shouldn’t bother you in any way. Make your bowel movement flow easy with the help of C-Lium Fibre Capsules. It’s made of natural soluble and insoluble fiber, apt for the maintenance of healthy bowel movement and the improvement of blood sugar or cholesterol levels with long term, sustainable results. It works by binding excess food, fat and bad cholesterol ang flushes it out of your system.
So, go pop some C-Lium Fibre in your regular diet and feel what good digestive system should be – 14 times more natural fiber than oatmeal or cereals even!
Directions: Take 5 capsules twice a day with at least a half glass of juice or favorite beverage. Drink a glass of water after.
Vitamin and mineral supplements should be taken 2-3 hours before or after intake of C-Lium Fibre. For better weight and blood sugar management, take 30 minutes before meals. Drink plenty of water all day. Regular daily intake recommended.
No Approved Therapeutic Claims.