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Smart Choice Vegetable Crispy Green Pea Snack Puffs Cheese Flavor 216g
- Weight: 216g
- Main Ingredient: Green peas
- Flavor: Cheese
- Benefits: Low-fat, high-protein snack option
- Keep in a cool & dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.
Actual Weight: 0.24 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 8.5 x 11.5
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A crispy and wholesome snack made from green peas, offering a savory cheese flavor. Perfect for guilt-free munching with a burst of nutrients. Exclusively available in S&R Product of the Philippines Allergen Information: contains cheese
Smart Choice Green Pea Snack Puffs are an innovative snack option for health-conscious consumers. Packed with plant-based goodness and seasoned with a tangy cheese flavor, these crispy puffs deliver a satisfying crunch without compromising on nutrition. Ideal for on-the-go snacking or as a light, wholesome treat for any occasion.