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Salysol Fried Almonds 250g
- Single Item
- Almonds 1 Packaging
- Vacuum packed | No Preservatives No Additives
- Packaging may vary depending on stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.32 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 4 x 3.5
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Offer a delightful and crunchy snack, featuring premium almonds that have been expertly fried to perfection, providing a savory and satisfying treat that is perfect for enjoying on its own or as an addition to your favorite dishes and desserts. Their 250g size ensures a generous quantity of these delicious fried almonds, making them a convenient and enjoyable addition to your snacking moments or for sharing with loved ones.
Provide a substantial quantity of premium almonds that have been expertly fried to perfection, offering a delectable and savory snack option that is versatile for various culinary uses or simply enjoyed on its own. Their 250g size makes them a convenient and shareable snack, suitable for satisfying cravings or adding a delightful crunch to your favorite dishes and recipes.