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Topoto Magic Bucket 1 set
- Single Item
- Mop set in 1 packaging
- Innovative hands-free design
- Easy-to-assemble
- Wash, dry, and store together
Actual Weight: 2.13 KGs
Product Dimensions: 13 x 5.5 x 12.5
Product Details +
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Quit moping around and let the magic happens with Topoto Magic PVA Mop + Bucket!
A 3-in-1 mop that has a super absorbent PVA sponge, non-slip grip handle, and an easy-to-use bucket!
Grab yours, today!
Consume upon opening.
Store in a dry, cool place.
Store inside a tightly sealed container.
Check expiration date before consuming.
For further instructions, check the back packaging.