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Clorox Clean up and Bleach All-purpose Cleaner 2pcs
- Multi-pack (2 counts)
- All-purpose cleaner in 1 packaging
- Made with Clorox-bleach formula
- Removes stains and other unwanted dirt and residue
- Kills germs and bacteria instantly
Actual Weight: 5.68 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 12
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We all gotta admit it, cleaning your bathroom is probably one of the most difficult chores there is! No judgment there, it’s a fact. That is precisely why you need hardworking products to help you get the job done.
The Clorox Clean-up with Bleach gets the job done. It works so well, in fact, that you can remove soap scum without having to scrub! This bleach cleaning formulation can be used to foam, spray, clean and deodorize, and disinfect.
Warning: Keep away from reach of children and pets.