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Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda 6.12kg
- Single Item
- Pure Baking Soda in 1 resealable bag
- Like we said, hundreds of uses like: Cleans produce naturally, Scrubs away stains, and soaks away grime
- Do we need to say more? Oh, it’s pure, safe, and natural
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 6.18 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 3.5 x 14
Product Details +
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On our today’s episode of, Today I Learned; did you know that baking soda can deodorize pungent odor inside your fridge caused by leftover food that has gotten bad? Just open a jar or carton of baking soda, and leave it inside the fridge to do its job. Quite cool, isn’t it? What’s cooler is that it’s got more than a hundred uses than we can list down here like scrubbing away stains without scratching, soaking away grime baked-on messes – suitable for stainless steel, porcelain, stovetops, microwaves, and refrigerators.
But Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda doesn’t go without a challenge. Nothing to worry, You and A&H are going to hammer its way out of any inconceivable mess!
Directions: For soft-skinned or leafy produce, sprinkle in a bowl of water. Add produce, agitate and rinse.
For scrubbing stains without scratching, shake on wet sponge, wipe and rinse well.
For soaking away grime like baked-on, dried-on, and burnt-on messes, add hot water and let soak for 15 minutes. Wash as usual.
Not for Antacid Use: Use A&H Baking Soda in the familiar orange box and follow package directions for antacid use.