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Oreo Smiles Chocolate Sandwich Cookies 30 packs
- Multi-pack (30 counts)
- Chocolate cookie sandwiches in 1 pack
- With rich creamy vanilla filling
- Crunchy and creamy taste
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 2.36 KGs
Product Dimensions: 12 x 6 x 6.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Indulge yourself during your work or school break time with a single pack of these creamy and crunchy snacks that you and your kids will certainly love. Oreo is now offering a revolutionary snack to their usual chocolate flavored biscuits. In this offer, they have revamped their Oreo biscuits and smothered them inside with luscious vanilla filling that gives your known flavor an intense creaminess and silkiness.
In every bite, you will definitely feel different; you will the luxury, you will feel the sophistication, and the smoothness of the silky vanilla filling that’s exquisitely mixed with your known Oreo crunch. Redefine the meaning of your normal break time with Oreo Smile Chocolate Sandwich Cookies. Share it with your friends, or enjoy it on your own. Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Consume upon opening.
Store in a dry, cool place.
Shelf life may last up to 2-3 weeks if stored in a favorable area or refrigerated and unopened. Store inside a tightly sealed container.
Warning: contains dairy products