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Grahams Honey Graham Crackers 700g
- Single Item
- Grahams Crackers in 1 packaging
- Recommended for lots of grahams desserts
- Sweet Honey flavored crackers
- Family Size, perfect for sharing
Actual Weight: 0.94 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Did somebody just buy a tub of grahams? Oh, we know what’s coming up next for sure! Mango grahams dessert! But Grahams Honey Graham Crackers are not just limited to that, the sky’s the limit to your imagination and creation of desserts you have in mind! These sweet flavored crackers are made with graham flour that originated in the United States in the early 1880s.
So, we leave it up to you how you’re gonna eat your Grahams Honey Graham Crackers! Have it as a snack food, usually honey- or cinnamon-flavored, or just again, use as an ingredient for Mango graham dessert, or filled with Cookies and Cream grahams dessert!
Contains wheat. Processed on the same equipment which handles soy.