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ChaCha Roasted Sunflower Seeds Spice Flavor 250g
- Single Item
- Roasted Sunflower Seeds in 1 packaging
- Large and plump full sunflower seeds
- Spiced Flavor
- Slowly Steamed and Roasted
Actual Weight: 0.27 KGs
Product Dimensions: 11.02 x 1.95 x 5.51
Product Details +
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Taste the sun in a cup – a cup of ChaCha® Roasted Spiced Flavor Sunflower Seeds. They are carefully selected from an environmental-friendly farm where the sunflower seeds grow large and plump. It is then steamed and roasted slowly to achieve that perfect, natural color, flavor, aroma, and scrumptious crispiness. These seeds also kick the experience up a notch by adding spicy flavors for your enjoyment.
So, come grab a back of ChaCha® Roasted Sunflower Seeds now and appreciate the kernel’s natural taste and essence. ChaCha® snacks taste delightful – that’s a claim we proudly stand for!
Allergen information: contains sunflower seeds.