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Eden Original Processed Filled Cheese Spread 430g
- Single Item
- Cheese Spread in 1 box
- With vitamins A, B2, and calcium
- Helps maintain good eyesight
- Helps release energy and helps develop normal teeth and bones
Actual Weight: 0.45 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 3.54 x 4.33
Product Details +
Specifications +
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A tasty yet easy way to step up your meals is by adding cheese on it. And what better cheese to adorn your dishes than Eden Original Filled Cheese Spread. Crumbly, salty yet stays fresh and cheesy, this classic, all-time favorite local cheese truly deserves to be on top (of all your meals)!
On the package, Eden Original would always recommend topping or cooking cheese on salads and cooked dishes? Nah. Have at it the way you like. Top it on bread, top it on raw sushi, top it on whatever you want! Go cheesy crazy with your imagination. Free your mind and fulfill your tummy with Eden Filled Cheese spread.
Allergen information: This cheese is a dairy product and is not recommended for individuals with lactose intolerance health conditions.
Consume upon opening. Keep in a cool, dry place.