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Nescafe Taster's Choice House Blend Decaf 397g
- Single Item
- Instant Decaf Coffee in 1 plastic jar
- 100% Pure Coffee
- Decaffeinated yet still brings the full flavour of Nescafe coffee
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.56 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.5 x 4.5 x 9
Product Details +
Specifications +
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You can live happily ever after with coffee without the unnecessary jitters with Nescafe Tasters' Choice House Blend Decaf! Our House Blend Decaf will keep you indulging on a delectable classic hot cup without the caffeine worries. There’s no need to feel devastated if you can’t have regular anymore, the smooth, delicious flavor plus the invigorating and fragrant aroma will wake you up!
So, keep that blood pressure down and Nescafe Tasters' Choice House Blend Decaf will keep your coffee routine and tradition alive and kicking!
Store in a cool dry place or keep packaged in a protective atmosphere to keep moisture from seeping into the coffee grounds.