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S&R Inter-Folded 1-Ply Paper Towel Tissue 6 packs
- Multi-pack
- Inter-folded table napkin tissue in 1 set packaging
- 175 pulls, 1-Ply
- 100% Virgin Pulp
- Absorbent
Actual Weight: 1.3 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 12
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Did you know that virgin pulp paper or kitchen towels provide higher absorbency rates while creating softer and more durable paper? Use the S&R inter-Folded Towels that are made of 100% Virgin Pulp. This means that you will never again have to use more paper towels than you need, which helps safe costs on its general production and even helps reduce wastes as high quality products means they are more efficient and less in quantity is needed to get the job done. Choose 100% virgin pulp, choose S&R inter-Folded Towels .
Beware of washing or flushing down waterways and pipes as paper towels can cause clogging. Dispose of properly.
Paper towels or napkins have an average shelf life of three years.
Store in a cool and dry place.