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Kuchenluxe 1.5L Rice Cooker 8-cup capacity KRC15-M
- Single Item
- Rice Cooker in 1 box
- Comes with plastic steam tray, a rice scooper, and a rice bowl with glass lid
- Can accommodate 1.5 liters worth of rice
- With aluminum heating plate
Actual Weight: 2 KGs
Product Dimensions: 10 x 10 x 9.5
Product Details +
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Whatever you wish to cook, you can now magically craft it using a single magic box! With Kitchenluxe Rice cooker, this single item is the answer to your rice cooking needs! It makes food preparation convenient and fun. It can accommodate up to 1.5 liters of rice and it comes with a glass lid, a plastic steam tray, and rice cooking bowl. What a find!
Start developing new recipes and start innovating old ones with this pride of Germany! It is made with only the highest quality of materials, so you are guaranteed with a durable item inside your home. So, what are you waiting for? Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Place in a secured area without obstructions.
Check its functions before using.
Double check items for defects before using.
Make sure to check it at least twice a month for maximum performance and efficiency.