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Well Being Silvadur Antimicrobial 6-Piece Queen Sheet Set
- Multi-pack
- Sheet set in 1 packaging
- With Silver-Ion Technology
- 300 Thread Count
- Packaging may vary depending on stock availability
Actual Weight: 1.98 KGs
Product Dimensions: 11 x 4 x 9
Product Details +
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Introducing the Well Being Silvadur Antimicrobial 6-Piece Queen Sheet Set, where innovation meets luxury for a truly restful night's sleep. Crafted with Silvadur antimicrobial technology, this sheet set not only pampers you with softness but also actively inhibits the growth of bacteria, ensuring a clean and comfortable sleep environment. Upgrade your sleep experience with Well Being!
Experience the next level of cleanliness. Silvadur antimicrobial technology embedded in the fabric actively prevents the growth of bacteria, keeping your sheets fresh and hygienic between washes.