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Neatfreak Foldable Storage Ottoman with Top Tray 2pcs
- Multi-Pack
- 2 Pack
- with Top Tray
- 13.7x13.7x13.7in
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 4.6 KGs
Product Dimensions: 14 x 4.5 x 14
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
- Invert the cushion to create a tabletop serving tray - Hidden storage compartment for hiding away books, blankets, remote controls, toys and much more - Padded cushion top provides comfort as a footrest
- Invert the cushion to create a tabletop serving tray
- Hidden storage compartment for hiding away books, blankets, remote controls, toys and much more
- Padded cushion top provides comfort as a footrest
Maximum seating weight capacity 45.3kg
Not intended for adult seating
Assembly required/ Decorative accessories not included/ For indoor use only