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Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila 1L
- Single Item
- Special Tequila in 1 glass bottle
- 38% alc. / vol.
- Finest Blue agave rested in white American oak
- Product of Mexico
Actual Weight: 1.58 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.14 x 3.14 x 12
Product Details +
Specifications +
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There’s always a story behind every great tequila, especially when it’s Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila. It’s made from a blend of reposado (aged) and younger tequilas, making it the perfect tequila for that beloved cocktail.
This tequila is inspired from Cuervo Gold’s own story, leading the role in the invention of The Margarita. Grab a bottle of Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila and enjoy its double-distilled, smooth, and pure spirit rocker, perfect for your thirsting soul.
If you feel like pairing Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila on a hearty grub, go for grilled squid, prawn, and other seafood – sounds like a beach trip’s in the works after reading this one, eh?
Basically, the shelf life of this and other tequilas are indefinite. Once the seal is compromised, it's suggested to drink the tequila within a year.