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Frangelico Liqueur 700mL
- Single Item
- Herb-flavored liqueur in 1 glass bottle
- 20% alc. / vol.
- Rich Hazelnut
- Product of Italy
Actual Weight: 1.36 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.33 x 4.33 x 9.05
Product Details +
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Legend has it that one day, Friar Angelico lived three centuries ago in the rolling hills of Piedmont in the shadow of the Italian Alps, where he created a precious liqueur that would later on captivate the world. Through his love and knowledge of nature the tradition of infusing toasted and crushed nuts, natural flavoring extracts and distillates such as cocoa, coffee, and vanilla lived on. This liqueur is always ready to surprise the senses with its sweet, golden taste and sheer sophistication.
Obviously, this bottle won’t go down faster without a bit of help, so call over a friend and pour Frangelico Liqueur over ice or for a twist, or with a squeeze of fresh lime for the most tantalizing experience!
Frangelico Liqueur can go five to six years in a refrigerator. Once opened, this herb-flavored liqueur can last several months if properly stored.