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Kendall Jackson Vintner’s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750mL
- Single Item
- Full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon in 1 glass bottle
- 13% vol. / alc. best with roast beef
- Black cherries and plums, smoky oaks and cedars
- Product of USA (California)
Actual Weight: 1.32 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.54 x 3.54 x 11.41
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Do you want to have an all-time wine that will taste consistent over the years with a traditional taste that can be passed down to the next generation? Kendall Jackson Vintner’s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon will take care of that with its commitment to fine wine quality that will last for generations – the Kendal-Jackson Family Values tradition.
Sit back and relax to the lofty goodness of Kendall Jackson’s while leaving the hard work behind to the Kendal-Jackson Family, farming the land with long-term stewardship, using sustainable practices, dedicated skill, and 100% renewable energy to produce the best-tasting wine.
So, if you’re in it for the long juicy finish, Kendall Jackson Vintner’s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon taken straight is the right approach for your next dining or drinking session!
With its tannins, Kendall Jackson Vintner’s is among the best-ageing wines out there. This bottle will keep for 7-10 years.