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Gnarly Head Merlot Red Wine 750mL
- Single Item
- Medium-bodied Merlot Red Wine in 1 glass bottle
- 14% alc. / vol. (best with blue cheese burgers, garlic stuffed chicken, and braised short ribs)
- Juicy plum and blackberry
- Product of USA (Manteca, California)
Actual Weight: 1.32 KGs
Product Dimensions: 2.75 x 2.75 x 12
Product Details +
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Gnarly ain’t pretty – at least from what it sounds, but we’re sure about one thing, Gnarly Head Merlot Red Wine tastes beautiful and it’s got big, bold flavors for your big, wine-discerning palate. It’s fully loaded, right off the twisted, gnarly grapevines, which later on results to an explosively rich, incredibly flavorful juicy plum and black cherry. Things are made ever prettier with its hints of complex herbs and spice, making for a naturally intense red vino.
Now, is Gnarly still ain’t pretty? We bet you and your friends will strongly defer while you enjoy Gnarly Head Merlot neat or chilled, perfect on blue cheese burgers, garlic stuffed chicken, and braised short ribs.
From the time you first open a bottle of Gnarly Head Merlot, plan to finish or discard it within three days. An unopened bottle can last 3-5 years.