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Bounty Fresh Saucy Fried Tori BBQ Glazed 550g
- Single Item
- Ready-to-cook Fried Tori in 1 pack
- Made of 100% All Natural Chicken
- BBQ Glazed
- Rich in protein
Actual Weight: 0.72 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7 x 2 x 11
Product Details +
Specifications +
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In need of a protein fix real quick but got no time for extended preparations? A pack of can of Bounty Fresh Saucy Fried Tori BBQ Glazed is the answer! These Tori chicken chunks pack enough for your protein macro needs – almost 14g of protein in every serving! That’s a protein junkie’s snack or meal dream! And they’re BBQ glazed to boot, so you wouldn’t have to worry about flavor.
It’s time to level the playing field in terms of your quick, on-the-go protein needs. Stock on Bounty Fresh Saucy Fried Tori and always come prepared when the protein-specific hunger pangs rush in!
In need of a protein fix real quick but got no time for extended preparations? A pack of can of Bounty Fresh Saucy Fried Tori BBQ Glazed is the answer! These Tori chicken chunks pack enough for your protein macro needs – almost 14g of protein in every serving! That’s a protein junkie’s snack or meal dream! And they’re BBQ glazed to boot, so you wouldn’t have to worry about flavor.
It’s time to level the playing field in terms of your quick, on-the-go protein needs. Stock on Bounty Fresh Saucy Fried Tori and always come prepared when the protein-specific hunger pangs rush in!