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Lysol Disinfectant Spray Citrus Meadows Scent 510g
- Single Item
- Disinfectant spray in 1 spray packaging
- Kills 99.9% bacteria and fungi
- Kills viruses and other disease-causing germs
- #1 pediatrician recommended brand
Actual Weight: 0.65 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.14 x 2.75 x 12
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The disinfectant spray that doesn’t feel like one for humans and domestic animals, but sneaky and deadly for germs and bacteria. Every household will surely love the fresh odor and effective anti-bacterial power of Lysol Disinfectant Spray Citrus Meadows Scent. It eliminates germs and odors on hard, non-porous surfaces that you come in contact with every day.
So, protect your family and keep your home free from bacteria in the air and surfaces with Lysol Disinfectant Spray – it smells good too, never forget!
Directions: Use Lysol Disinfectant Spray in empty garbage cans, pet areas, sick rooms, under sinks, diaper pails, empty hampers, doorknobs, and around toilet areas.
HAZARDS: Flammable. Contents under pressure. Keep away from heat or open flame sources.
Store in original container. Keep out of reach of children.