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Roaster's Best Chicken Thigh Cut-ups approx. 2.5kg
- Sold per pack, priced per kilo
- Chicken thigh in 1 packaging
- Protein-rich lean meat, healthy food for people who are bulking up
- Rich in nutrients needed to support bodily functions
- Perfect for tex-mex fusion dishes
Actual Weight: 2.5 KGs
Product Dimensions: 11 x 2.5 x 7.9
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Experiment in the kitchen and make your own tex-mex fusion dish by using Roasters' Best Chicken Thigh! Your tex-mex dish will be appetizing due to the intense chicken flavor and the tender meat of this thigh part. Chicken thighs are also rich in protein which is vital for muscle growth!
Start your fusion dish experiment today and grab Roasters' Best Chicken Thigh!
Freshness and quality satisfaction are a priority here at S&R Membership Shopping. Our mission is to deliver fresh products to your home within any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Store the chicken in your freezer ensure to its freshness. Consume in four days.