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Auto-Gard Premium Chamois 2pcs
- Multi-pack
- Chamois in 1 packaging
- Absorbs 5x more liquid
- Soft and Super Absorbent
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.18 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 2.5 x 8
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Introducing Auto-Gard Premium Chamois, the epitome of car care excellence. Our promo pack offers not one, but two premium chamois cloths to ensure your vehicle receives the ultimate treatment. Achieve an impeccable shine and an immaculate finish with Auto-Gard's superior quality.
Crafted with advanced absorption technology, our chamois cloths effortlessly absorb water, leaving your vehicle streak-free and spotless. The result? A dazzling, showroom-worthy shine that lasts.