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Nesquik Chocolate Flavor Powdered Drink 1.275kg
- Single Item
- Chocolate Drink Mix in 1 tub
- Made with real cocoa
- No Artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners
- Up to 98 servings
Actual Weight: 1.34 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 6.5 x 9
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Great things start right away in the morning, especially if you start it right with Nestlé Nesquick Chocolate Flavor Drink. It turns milk into an irresistibly delicious and nutritious drink for your family to enjoy and for you to feel good about, with 45% less sugar than the leading syrup brand. It’s enriched with calcium, 8 grams of protein, and 7 essential vitamins and minerals when combined with low-fat milk to help them start the day.
So, if you want your kids to get their energies high up in the morning for school or any daily activity, serve them only Nestlé Nesquick Chocolate!
Store in a cool, dry place. Close tightly. See bottom of container for best before date.