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Bactidol Extra Soothing Honey Lemon Flavor Lozenges 16pcs
- Single Item
- Lozenges in 1 packaging
- Honey lemon flavor
- Provides convenient and flavorful relief from sore throat
- Extra soothing sensation
Actual Weight: 0.04 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6.25 x 1 x 3.25
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Sore Throat?
Say no more! Bactidol is got you covered!
Feel flavorful and convenient throat sensation while dissolving slowly in your mouth.
Sip to a Honey Lemon Flavor while you soothe from unpleasant irritation.
Treat that painful, itchy, swollen, or irritated throat with Bactidol Extra Soothing Honey Lemon Flavor Lozenges!
Get yours at S&R online!
Storage condition:
Store at temperatures not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.
Keep out of reach children.