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Apex Flat Mop Antibacterial Refill 1pc
- Single Item
- Flat Mop Refill in 1 packaging
- Suitable for all types of floor, even very delicate ones
- Machine washable, it guarantees long-lasting performance, high quality of materials
- Product of Italy
Actual Weight: 0.08 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5 x 1.5 x 7.5
Product Details +
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Experience the cleaning power that reaches the apex of cleanliness with Apex Flat Mop Refill. It has an antibacterial agent that guarantees your place to be disinfected by just using this product. No need throw your old mop when you can just attach a new mop head that’s definitely better than your old one. You will definitely feel like using a brand new product.
Developed in Italy, this Antibacterial Flat Mop Refill seeps through every creases and corner of your home just to reach those stubborn dirt build ups, and liquid spills. No wonder all your cleaning sesh seem more fun and less stressful, because you are using Apex Flat Mop! Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Store in a dry, cool place.
Sanitize properly before and after using. Dispose properly.
Keep away from source of fire.