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Oral-B Gum Care Black Tea Extra Soft Toothbrush 5pcs
- Multi-pack (5 counts)
- Soft Toothbrush in 1 packaging
- Made with real black tea essence within the bristle
- Gum Care Black Tea
- Ultra Slim Tip: 2x more flexible bristle tips
Actual Weight: 0.12 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.56 x 1 x 9
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Put pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto toothbrush, check. Gently brush with a circular motion, repeating such action on the inside surfaces. Then a little light back and forth motion on them chewers. Once done, spit out the toothpaste after brushing. Brushing our teeth is so easy like clockwork, and it’s even better with Oral-B® Gum Care Black Tea Extra Soft Toothbrush! It’s made with real black tea essence within the bristle, providing a deeper clean than most regular toothbrush. It has an ultra slim tip which is 2x more flexible for harder-to-reach places.
What’s more is that this Toothbrush adjusts to the contours of your teeth with its Utlrathin bristles, reaching up to 2x deeper between teeth. So, flash those shiny white beamers especially when it’s brushed with Oral-B® Black Tea Toothbrush daily!
Directions: Gently brush with circular motion, repeating such action on the inside surfaces. Spit out toothpaste after brushing.
Change your brush every 3 months for best results. A new toothbrush can remove up to 30% more plaque than older brushes.
Not intended for children 3 years and under. Replace brush every 3 months.