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Cuetara Krit Pub-Mix 350g
- Single Item
- Crackers in 1 plastic jar
- Carefully baked and not fried for a soft yet perfectly crispy texture
- Pub-Mix, shaped like poker card suits
- Product of Spain
Actual Weight: 0.42 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 4 x 7.5
Product Details +
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When it comes to crackers, it’s always a challenge to find the one that strikes the perfect balance of softness and crisp in every bite. As soon as you dig in, you either get disappointed or delightfully pleased! We’re definitely going on the latter with Cuétara Krit Pub-Mix! These crackers successfully achieve such texture by going through a careful baking process – definitely not fried! And it’s got poker card suits and fish shapes that the youngest members of the family will surely love!
Krit Krititas is a massive KRITical hit – to your cracker-loving palate and your growling hunger! Make sure to grab a jar now and share the soft and crispy fun of these crackers!
Consume upon opening. Keep lid tightly closed upon when not in use to keep freshness. Keep in a cool, dry place.