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Chinet Comfort Cup Insulated Cups and Lids 70pcs
- Multi-pack (70 cups)
- Insulated Cups and Lids in 1 plastic packaging
- Double-Layer Insulation
- Easy-fit lid
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 1.97 KGs
Product Dimensions: 12 x 7 x 13.8
Product Details +
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Insulated drink holders are a great wait to make drink you usually consume stationary into drinks that can tag along or be brough on-the-go. Chinet Comfort Cup 473mL Insulated Cups and Lids are a easily disposable insulated cup and lid option that gives you a way to keep you drink warm without haveing to worry about bring a tumbler from home, possibly leaving it behind somewhere while you are on the go, or having to wash them whne you get home so that they'll be ready for use the following day. With double-layer insulation, you can keep your drinks hot for longer. Each individual cup is sturdy and has a matching easy-fit lid. Be comfortable with bringin your drink wherever you need to go without worrying about taking home another conainer to wash. See comfort in a cup. Use Chinet Comfort Cup Insulated Cups and Lids.
Store in a cool and dry place.
Keep from getting wet or keep away from rain.
Ensure proper dispisal after each use.