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Cacaolat Original Cocoa Milkshake 1L
- Single Item
- Ready-to-drink Cocoa Milkshake in 1 plastic bottle
- Made from premium cocoa beans
- Choco Milkshake flavor
- Product of Spain
Actual Weight: 1.1 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 11
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Aren’t sundays the best days? We mean we could go on to relax or go out with the family and drop by a desserts boutique and enjoy life’s sweet moments. At Cacaolat, Sundays can be the very best days for a milkshake! No need to go out every Sunday for some lip-smacking sweet drink dessert; we can have them at home with Cacaolat Original Cocoa Milkshake.
Pour a milkshake down a tall glass and experience the rich, creamy milk chocolatey goodness life has to offer. So, whip up that oh so inviting milkshake and bring in all the boys and girls to the yard with Cacaolat Original Cocoa Milkshake!
Shake well before opening. Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within 2-3 days.