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Stallion Rechargable Electric Swatter ST-845ES
- Single Item
- Electric insect swatter in 1 packaging
- Automatic Protection Control with LED light
- Battery-operated and Rechargeable
- Energy-saving
Actual Weight: 0.36 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 2 x 20.5
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Secure your home from unwanted and uninvited guests that you never want to be inside your personal space. With Stallion Rechargable electric Swatter, you can now make your personal space at home safer and more secured. No need to worry about these disease-causing insects that can harm you and your families.
When the simple fly-swatter isn't enough to eradicate these pests, you definitely need something bigger and stronger. The Stallion is here to provide you with that help. It gives these pesky insects a quick zap, so it can no longer spread sicknesses. Protect your loved ones better with Stallion. Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Place in a secured area without obstructions.
Check its functions before using.
Double check battery-life.
Make sure check it at least twice a month for maximum performance and efficiency