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Nongshim Udon Tempura Cup Noodles 6 cups
- Multi-pack (6 pieces)
- Noodle Soup in Cups in 1 box
- Convenient quick on-the-go meal or a mid-afternoon hearty snack
- Tempura-flavored soup with fresh vegetables
- Product of Korea
Actual Weight: 0.66 KGs
Product Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 4.33
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Oh, will you look at the time? It’s time for some afternoon hot noodle break. And what better cup of noodles do you go for? ‘Matic, it should be Nongshim® Udon Tempura Cup Noodles. Nongshim® is inspired after the Korean farmer’s a heart, which represents the care and dedication in make ready-to-eat food at your disposal. This noodle cup is carefully made with the highest quality ingredients to create that exceptional, authentic tempura flavor.
So, make sure to stock on your Nongshim® Udon Tempura Cup, and always be prepared for your raging hunger anytime, where only these noodles can satisfy and you know it. Defs Korean heart hand signs for this, oppa!
Product is very hot after cooking. Handle with care to avoid spilling.