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Hua-Tiao Chiew Vegetable Beef Noodle 200g
- Net Weight: Approximately 200g per serving
- Main Ingredients: Wheat noodles, beef, pickled vegetables, Hua-Tiao wine, seasoning
- Preparation: Add hot water, cook for 3-5 minutes, and serve
- Origin: Taiwan
- Packaging: Individual serving in a retort pouch with seasoning packets
Actual Weight: 0.26 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.5 x 7
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Savor the authentic flavors of Taiwan with Hua-Tiao Chiew Vegetable Beef Noodles. Made with premium beef, pickled vegetables, and infused with traditional Hua-Tiao wine, this gourmet noodle dish offers a rich, aromatic broth complemented by tender noodles.
Experience a true Taiwanese delicacy with Hua-Tiao Chiew Vegetable Beef Noodles. Combining the umami of premium beef with the tanginess of pickled vegetables, this instant noodle is elevated by the addition of Hua-Tiao wine, which enhances its depth and aroma. Perfect for quick yet indulgent meals, this dish provides a harmonious balance of flavor and tradition. Enjoy the convenience of a complete meal in minutes while savoring a taste of Taiwan's culinary heritage.