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The Daily Crave Sea Salt Fries 120g
- Weight: 120g
- Gluten-Free & Non-GMO
- Vegan-Friendly
- Packaging: Stand-up resealable pouch
- Baked, then fried Potato Straws
Actual Weight: 0.14 KGs
Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 7 x 11.5
Product Details +
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Thin, crispy potato fries seasoned with natural sea salt, offering a light and savory crunch.
Baked, then fried Potato Straws
Always crunchy never soggy.
Made with Non GMO potatoes and seasoning.
Even more tasty when warmed.
Gluten free
These sea salt fries by The Daily Crave are a gluten-free, non-GMO alternative to traditional fries. Perfectly seasoned, they’re an addictive snack made from quality ingredients for a wholesome treat.