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Kuchenluxe Food Chopper 1L KCHP-2
- Single Item
- Electric food chopper in 1 box
- Made with double stainless steel 4 blade for maximum chopping capability
- 400 watts 230V ac 60Hz
- Can accommodate up to 1 liter of food items, with one touch press feature
Actual Weight: 1.95 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7 x 7 x 8.5
Product Details +
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Slicing and dicing are one of the few things that you need to learn when prepping the ingredients for your meals, but if you have the fear of holding on to sharp blades like knives and other cutters, then that will surely not be a big problem with Kuchenluxe! Kuchenluxe Food Chopper is here to save the day for you!
No more worries of getting injuries from unwise handling of sharp knives, because this food chopper is 100% safe to use. It's also easy to use! Just put your choice of cooking ingredient to be sliced and its double stainless steel blade will do the work for you, oh and don't forget to plug it in an electricity outlet!
It's easy to clean and it's fast! So, what are you waiting for? Get your food ingredients chopped finely with Kuchenluxe! Cop yours at S&R Membership Shopping!
Place in a secured area without obstructions.
Check its functions before using.
Double check items for defects before using.
Make sure to check it at least twice a month for maximum performance and efficiency.