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Eko Stella Step Bin 2pcs
- Multi-pack (2 pieces)
- Step bin in 1 packaging
- Comes in 2 sizes: 6L and 30L
- Made with stainless steel body
- Easy to clean, With handle at the back for easy moving, removable bin
Actual Weight: 7.06 KGs
Product Dimensions: 15 x 13.5 x 26.5
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Your home should be your number one refuge no matter what happens. With this, you have to keep it cozy as possible. How do you that? Well, it's simple. If you continue to keep it organize and clutter-free, your home will surely feel like a safe haven for you and your loved ones, or for anyone who visits. It might sound like a tedious job to clean up your personal space, but with Eko, you have the extra muscle that you can use to maintain your place's cleanliness.
With Eko Step Bin, you can now easily throw unwanted clutter in your home. It is built with stainless steel for its body that gives it its maximum durability. Aside from it being stylish and efficient, this step bin can accommodate from 6 Liters of trash to 30 Liters of trash. It has an step feature where the lid easily opens. See? This is definitely what you need! Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Store in a dry, cool place.
Wash and sanitize before and after use.
Keep away from source of fire and areas where it will be exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time.