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Smartfood Popcorn White Cheddar 155.9g
- Single Item
- Ready-to-eat Popcorn snack in 1 packaging
- America’s Favorite White Cheddar Popcorn
- White Cheddar Flavor
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.2 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8.07 x 3.74 x 13.03
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Is it really smart to let this snack pass you by upon reading it on the snacks section, and say, “popcorn sold in the cinemas taste way better.” And, bam! Another un-smart thing to do. Are you really gonna go all the way down to the cinemas to buy some popcorn? No need to go great lengths just to prove a point. Be smart about this one and get Smartfood Popcorn White Cheddar! There’s a reason this one’s hailed as America’s Favorite White Cheddar Popcorn. It’s got the right amount of white cheddar cheese that isn’t too thick or abundant on first pop, but the flavor is very evident and enjoyable with each handful.
Now, we’re just gonna watch here on the sidelines and eat us some popcorn, while you be stubborn and settle for inferior popcorn snacks out there. We’re telling you now, Smartfood Popcorn is the best to date we’ve tasted. Our favorite TV series, the couch, THIS bangin’ popcorn, and some good ‘ol bonding with friends are already set by the way. Come join us!
Allergen information: Contains milk.
Consume upon opening. Keep this bag tightly sealed or closed when not in use to maintain freshness.