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Moi Evaporada Evaporated Creamer 390g
- Enhances soups, sauces, and desserts
- Smooth, creamy consistency
- Product of Malaysia
- Moi Condensada is NOT recommended as breast milk substitute.
- Allergen Information: Contains milk and soy products.
Actual Weight: 0.4 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 4
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Add a creamy touch to your recipes with Moi Evaporada Evaporated Creamer.
Enhances soups, sauces, and desserts
Smooth, creamy consistency
Moi Evaporada Evaporated Creamer brings a smooth and creamy richness to your recipes. Whether enhancing the flavor of soups and sauces or adding a delightful texture to desserts, this creamer is a versatile kitchen staple. Its resealable can ensures freshness and ease of use.